“Don’t Compare Yourself To Others…” Is Not Always Good Advice

Glick Gardner
2 min readAug 1, 2020

Fueling your fire can be hard. When it comes to pushing yourself, it can be good to rationally compare yourself to your peers.

Look at your peers, the ones who are committed to their passion and are continually propelling themselves to reach their dreams and goals. Does that not fire you up to see others getting shit done? It is one of the great advantages of the interconnected world we live in. We get a peek into the passions of others and how involved / successful they are with those passions. This is huge. You know these people and they are putting themselves out there everyday so they can have the opportunity to take that next step. Wether it is putting music on Spotify, starting a podcast or launching an application people are MOVING. I don’t have to tell you how that should make you feel. If you are motivated, have a goal, an ambition, a passion, you should just look around be gassed up to go.

Feel the current of time and energy, and understand how you can impact the world everyone else is in. When you share, you connect and weld together this feeling of mission and whimsy that brew & ferment into a pure spirit that sends nervous systems wild. We want and we crave to feel this magic, it’s a drug worth chasing and is a experience we should support. When I see a high-school friend starting a podcast I can tell they put a lot of time effort and passion into, I say something. “That looks super cool! Keep crushing it!” When I support them, they grow, become more successful and fuel me even further down the road.

I don’t quite understand why some people tend to dis those who have more than them or are getting an earlier taste of a reality they dream of. For me its a love for the creation and passion. I want a closer look, I want to peek behind the curtain, see if its something i really want to strive for, if its something I should will — aka brute force — into reality. Don’t follow in others footsteps, no path can be the same. Narrow your focus, but take inspiration from everywhere.

I love all of you fellow creators and will continue to support you.




Glick Gardner

I will curate to the interested. Those that want a peek into what could be.